Til tross for et storkjeftet rykte, bor det mye skjønnhet i basstrombonen. Målet med denne innspillingen er å vise fram basstrombonen fra alle dens beste sider: stor og skjør, fargerik og fleksibel, deilige basstoner og nydelige melodilinjer. Ved å bestille og spille inn nye verk samt å alliere seg med gode musikkvenner, ønsker Clare Farr å fargelegge og løfte et konsertrepertoar for basstrombone. Despite its loudmouthed reputation, there is so much beauty in the bass trombone. The aim of this album is to showcase all the best sides of the bass trombone: robust yet fragile, colourful and flexible, juicy bass notes and beautiful melodies. By commissioning and playing new works and allying herself with great musical friends, Clare Farr has attempted to give new colour to the bass trombone repertoire.

  • LWC1242 Katalognummer
  • 7090020182643 EAN
  • CD Format
  • DXD 24BIT / 352.8 KHZ Masterfiler
  • Uranienborg Kirke, Oslo / NRK Store Studio, Oslo Innspillingssted
  • 2022 Utgivelsesår

Til tross for et storkjeftet rykte, bor det mye skjønnhet i basstrombonen. Målet med denne innspillingen er å vise fram basstrombonen fra alle dens beste sider: stor og skjør, fargerik og fleksibel, deilige basstoner og nydelige melodilinjer. Ved å bestille og spille inn nye verk samt å alliere seg med gode musikkvenner, ønsker Clare Farr å fargelegge og løfte et konsertrepertoar for basstrombone. Despite its loudmouthed reputation, there is so much beauty in the bass trombone. The aim of this album is to showcase all the best sides of the bass trombone: robust yet fragile, colourful and flexible, juicy bass notes and beautiful melodies. By commissioning and playing new works and allying herself with great musical friends, Clare Farr has attempted to give new colour to the bass trombone repertoire.
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Til tross for et storkjeftet rykte, bor det mye skjønnhet i basstrombonen. Målet med denne innspillingen er å vise fram basstrombonen fra alle dens beste sider: stor og skjør, fargerik og fleksibel, deilige basstoner og nydelige melodilinjer. Ved å bestille og spille inn nye verk samt å alliere seg med gode musikkvenner, ønsker Clare Farr å fargelegge og løfte et konsertrepertoar for basstrombone. «Loudmouthed Beauty» er hennes debututgivelse som solist. Med seg har hun trombonistene Sverre Riise, Petter Winroth og Audun Breen, harpist Sidsel Walstad, organist Inger-Lise Ulsrud og pianist Sigstein Folgerø.

Repertoaret på CD-en er variert og inneholder både samtidskomposisjoner og eldre klassikere av norske og utenlandske komponister. Både Bente Leiknes Thorsens «Lush darkness – glaring light» og Torstein Aagaard-Nilsens «Urd» fra «The Daughters of Erda» er komponert spesielt for Clare, og i tillegg får vi høre mer kjente stykker av Ernst Sachse, Henri Tomasi, Jan Sandström, Charles Small og Alexej Lebedjew.

Clare Farr har vært Kringkastingsorkestrets bass-trombonist siden 2013. Født i England i 1975, startet hun sitt musikalske liv som pianist og fiolinist. Da familien flyttet til Jørpeland i 1989 endret hun musikalsk retning til det mer lydsterke og sosiale livet som basstrombonist. Etter studier i Stavanger, Manchester og Oslo arbeidet hun som frilansmusiker med langtidskontrakter i Oslo-Filharmonien og Norrköping Symfoniorkester og med oppdrag i orkestre og ensemble både nasjonalt og internasjonalt. Hun er medlem av Norsk tromboneensemble, og er aktiv som korpsdirigent, dommer og musikkpedagog over hele Norge.



Despite its loudmouthed reputation, there is so much beauty in the bass trombone. The aim of this album is to showcase all the best sides of the bass trombone: robust yet fragile, colourful and flexible, juicy bass notes and beautiful melodies. By commissioning and playing new works and allying herself with great musical friends, Clare Farr has attempted to give new colour to the bass trombone repertoire. She plays alongside trombonists Sverre Riise, Petter Winroth and Audun Breen, harpist Sidsel Walstad, organist Inger-Lise Ulsrud and pianist Sigstein Folgerø.

The repertoire is varied and consists of contemporary works and older classics by Norwegian and international composers. Bente Leiknes Thorsen’s “Lush darkness – glaring light” and Torstein Aagaard-Nilsen’s “Urd” from “The Daughters of Erda” were commissioned by and composed for Clare. In addition, you will hear more familiar pieces for bass trombone by Ernst Sachse, Henri Tomasi, Jan Sandström, Charles Small and Alexej Lebedjew.

Clare Farr has been Principal Bass Trombone of the Norwegian Radio Orchestra since 2013. Born in Stockport, England in 1975, her musical career started at an early age playing piano and violin. It was after her family’s move to Jørpeland, Norway in 1989 that she opted for the louder, more social life of the bass trombonist. Following studies in Stavanger, Manchester and Oslo she worked as a freelance musician, holding long-term positions with the Oslo Philharmonic and Norrköping Symphony Orchestras and regularly worked with many Norwegian and European orchestras and ensembles. She is a founding member of the Norwegian Trombone Ensemble and is active as a conductor, teacher and adjudicator in the Norwegian brass and wind band community.



"[...] And then on to the most overtly virtuosic: "The Daughters of Erda" by Torstein Aagard-Nilsen. The first of the three pieces here, "Urd" is another Farr commission; she played the piece for her final master's recital. The gentlest and most lyrical playing is in "Sång till Lotta" (Song for Lotta) by Swedish composer Jan Sandström of "Motorbike Concerto" renown, with Farr accompanied on the harp by her colleague from the Norwegian Radio Orchestra, Sidsel Walstad. Charles Small's "Conversation" ventures into the jazzier territory which is familiar to her fellow members of the Norsk tromboneensemble, who join her here (see Clare Farr's video channel for more of them in everything from Abba and Jobim to a Mozart overture and Telemann). The album closer, a concerto by Russian Alexej Lebedjew (the tuba god, 1924-1993, rather than the piano player b. 1980) is another opportunity to show Farr's and the bass trombone's more lyrical side. Farr is a strong, powerful and highly effective advocate for her instrument. In this album she has set out to showcase its range and its appeal. And has done so very well." Sebastian Scotney, theartsdesk.com, 28.01.2023




Kultur, Musikk | Clare (47) irriterte seg over at ingen kvinnelege basstrombonistar gav ut musikk: – Men eg kunne jo ikkje klandra dei om eg ikkje gjorde det sjølv (strandbuen.no)


       Lush darkness – glaring light (because the loudmouthed forgot the beauty of a simple tone) /// 05:32

       Bente Leiknes Thorsen (*1980)


       Concerto in F major

       Ernst Sachse (1810–1849)

2)    I. Allegro maestoso /// 04:04

3)    II. Andante (adagio) /// 02:38

4)    III. Theme and Variations /// 04:16


5)    Être ou ne pas être /// 05:25

       Henri Tomasi (1901–1971)


       The Daughters of Erda

       Torstein Aagaard-Nilsen (*1964)

6)    Urd /// 05:11

7)    Skuld /// 05:30

8)    Verdande /// 06:51


9)    Sång till Lotta /// 04:28

       Jan Sandström (*1954)


10) Conversation /// 08:15

       Charles Small (1927–2017)


11) Concerto No. 1 /// 07:26

       Alexej Lebedjew (1924–1993)


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Loudmouthed Beauty <span>-</span> Farr, Clare (bass trombone) Loudmouthed Beauty Farr, Clare (bass trombone)

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