Discover the timeless beauty of Franz Schubert’s lieder in Franz Schubert: Goethe Songs, an exquisite album featuring renowned mezzo-soprano Marianne Beate Kielland and acclaimed pianist Nils Anders Mortensen. This release celebrates the profound connection between Schubert’s music and the evocative poetry of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, a cornerstone of the Romantic era.

  • LWC1355 Katalognummer
  • 7090020183275 EAN
  • CD Format
  • DXD 24BIT / 352.8 KHZ Masterfiler
  • Oslo, Norway Innspillingssted
  • 2024 Utgivelsesår

Discover the timeless beauty of Franz Schubert’s lieder in Franz Schubert: Goethe Songs, an exquisite album featuring renowned mezzo-soprano Marianne Beate Kielland and acclaimed pianist Nils Anders Mortensen. This release celebrates the profound connection between Schubert’s music and the evocative poetry of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, a cornerstone of the Romantic era.
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Discover the timeless beauty of Franz Schubert’s lieder in Franz Schubert: Goethe Songs, an exquisite album featuring renowned mezzo-soprano Marianne Beate Kielland and acclaimed pianist Nils Anders Mortensen. This release celebrates the profound connection between Schubert’s music and the evocative poetry of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, a cornerstone of the Romantic era.

The album features a carefully curated selection of Schubert’s Goethe settings, including beloved masterpieces such as 4 Gesänge aus "Wilhelm Meister", D.877 and Grenzen der Menschheit, D.716, as well as other gems. Kielland’s rich, expressive voice and Mortensen’s sensitive and masterful piano playing breathe new life into these timeless works, capturing their emotional depth and dramatic intensity.

Marianne Beate Kielland, celebrated for her interpretations of lieder and oratorio repertoire, brings her vast experience and nuanced artistry to this recording. Paired with Nils Anders Mortensen, one of Norway’s most distinguished pianists, the duo creates a deeply moving musical experience that highlights the enduring relevance of Schubert's genius.

Franz Schubert: Goethe Songs is a must-listen for lovers of art song and Romantic music, offering a journey into the heart of one of classical music’s most cherished traditions.


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Sigurd Lie Songs, Vol. 1 - Kielland, Marianne Beate (mezzo-soprano) / Mortensen, Nils Anders (piano)

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Sigurd Lie Songs, Vol. 2 - Kielland, Marianne Beate (mezzo-soprano) / Mortensen, Nils Anders (piano)

Denne utgivelsen er den siste i en serie på to med Sigurd Lies samlede verk for sang og klaver, framført av mezzosopran Marianne Beate Kielland og pianist Nils Anders Mortensen. CD-en inneholder de siste i rekken av utgitte sanger fra Sigurd Lies hånd, sammen med sanger som ikke ble gitt ut i hans levetid. Mange sanger har stor patos, ikke minst den storslåtte syklusen Wartburg. Men her er også lysere og mer lyriske sanger, og da særlig de fire Haugtussa-sangene, med tekster fra Arne Garborgs diktsyklus, hvor Lie har prøvd å nærme seg folkemusikken i stor grad. 


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Franz Schubert: Goethe Songs <span>-</span> Kielland, Marianne Beate (mezzo-soprano) / Mortensen, Nils Anders (piano) Franz Schubert: Goethe Songs Kielland, Marianne Beate (mezzo-soprano) / Mortensen, Nils Anders (piano)

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