Renowned organist Anders Eidsten Dahl proudly announces his latest release, "Exultate," an album showcasing the organ music of esteemed Norwegian composer Knut Nystedt. This album explores Nystedt's diverse and varied organ compositions, bringing aspects of his musical legacy to a broader audience.

  • LWC1277 Katalognummer
  • 7090020182995 EAN
  • CD Format
  • DXD 24BIT / 352.8 KHZ Masterfiler
  • Bragernes kirke, Drammen Innspillingssted
  • 2024 Utgivelsesår

Renowned organist Anders Eidsten Dahl proudly announces his latest release, "Exultate," an album showcasing the organ music of esteemed Norwegian composer Knut Nystedt. This album explores Nystedt's diverse and varied organ compositions, bringing aspects of his musical legacy to a broader audience.
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Dahl, Anders Eidsten (orgel)

Nystedt, Knut

Lawo Classics

Landaas, Vegard

Wolden, Thomas

Lorang, Anette | BLUNDERBUSS



 Renowned organist Anders Eidsten Dahl proudly announces his latest release, "Exultate," an album showcasing the organ music of esteemed Norwegian composer Knut Nystedt. This album explores Nystedt's diverse and varied organ compositions, bringing aspects of his musical legacy to a broader audience.

Knut Nystedt, celebrated for his work bridging tradition and modernism, left behind a collection of organ works that continue to move and inspire performers and listeners alike. In "Exultate," Anders Eidsten Dahl offers a personal interpretation of some of Nystedt's most significant organ pieces.

Internationally acclaimed organist Anders Eidsten Dahl has released numerous recordings of Norwegian organ music. Through his interpretations, the many affects represented in Nystedt's music are vividly presented, from powerful and dramatic moments to more subtle and melancholic nuances.

"Exultate" explores a wide range of Nystedt's musical expressions, from his early study pieces to later experiments with harmony and texture. The music provides listeners with insight into Nystedt's musical universe and offers a glimpse of the composer's immense creative power.

This album is not only a presentation of Knut Nystedt's music but also a tribute to his influential contributions to the organ repertoire. "Exultate" is a release that will appeal to classical music and organ music enthusiasts alike, serving as a reminder of Nystedt's significant legacy in the music world.


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Hymnus - Dahl, Anders Eidsten (orgel)

Anders Eidsten Dahls nye plate “Hymnus”, spilt inn i Bragernes kirke, viser hvordan orgelmusikken kan innramme og avslutte komponisters livsgjerning – som alfa og omega. Alle verkene på denne platen, komponert mellom 1913 og 1931, står i sterk avhengighet til tradisjonen fra Bach og den franske og tyske romantikk, men de peker også fremover mot en ny tid. 

Brahms: Organ Works - Dahl, Anders Eidsten (orgel)

Platen fokuserer på Clara Schumanns (1819-1896) innflytelse på den unge Brahms` virke som komponist, og Clara er representert på platen med ett av sine preludier og fuger. The recording focuses on the influence of Clara Schumann (1819-1896) on the young composer Brahms and includes one of her preludes and fugues. 

Hovland, Egil: Elementa pro organo - Dahl, Anders Eidsten (orgel)

Organist Anders Eidsten Dahls nye utgivelse på LAWO Classics, «Elementa pro organo», er en hyllest til komponisten og kirkemusikeren Egil Hovland (1924-2013). Organist Anders Eidsten Dahl’s new LAWO Classics release, “Elementa Pro Organo”, is a tribute to composer and church musician Egil Hovland (1924-2013). 

Inspired By Bach - Dahl, Anders Eidsten (orgel)

Det er den unge norske organisten Anders Eidsten Dahl som har spilt inn CD-en "Inspired by Bach" med musikk av Robert Schumann, Arne Eggen, Fartein Valen og Johann Sebastian Bach. It is the young Norwegian organist Anders Eidsten Dahl who has recorded the CD “Inspired by Bach” with music by Robert Schumann, Arne Eggen, Fartein Valen and Johann Sebastian Bach. 

Knut Vaage: Relieff, Refleks, Rite - Stalheim, Amalie (cello) / Aadland, Harald (violin) / Norwegian Radio Orchestra

Noen av Norges fremste musikere kommer sammen for å presentere en ny utgivelse av Knut Vaage; "Relieff, Refleks, Rite". Denne banebrytende samling verk, framført av cellist Amalie Stalheim, fiolinist Harald Aadland, Kringkastingsorkestret og dirigent Eivind Aadland, er en feiring av innovativ ny norsk komposisjon. 


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Knut Nystedt: Exultate <span>-</span> Dahl, Anders Eidsten (orgel) Knut Nystedt: Exultate Dahl, Anders Eidsten (orgel)

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