• ACD5057 Katalognummer
  • 7044581350577 EAN
  • CD Format
  • 2009 Utgivelsesår


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My Microtonal Piano - Yoshida, Sanae (piano)

With this album, Sanae Yoshida presents five new solo works for the microtonal piano by composers Eivind Buene (N), Keiko Harada (J), Øyvind Mæland (N), Michelle Agnes Magalhaes (BR) and Andreas Gundersen (N). As a musical instrument the piano is, both literally and figuratively, black and white. A paradigm of discipline and order, carefully tuned such that all intervals between the notes are the same, and that all keys, major and minor, sound with an absolute maximum of consistent, consonant clarity. 


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Oiseaux Exotiques <span>-</span> Austbø, Håkon/Raude, Eirik/Sjøforsvarets musikkorps Oiseaux Exotiques Austbø, Håkon/Raude, Eirik/Sjøforsvarets musikkorps

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