Da stryketrioen Ssens Trio ga ut sin kritikerroste debutplate (LWC1122) på LAWO Classics var det Beethoven som sto på menyen. På andreplata byr de oss på musikk av W. A. Mozart, nærmere bestemt «Divertimento i Ess-dur», K. 563 samt «Preludier og Fuger», K. 404a.
Mozarts «Divertimento i Ess-dur» er et ruvende verk. Med sin tyngde og bredde sprenger verket grensene for den underholdningsmusikken som betegnelsen «Divertimento» vanligvis står for. Allerede i begynnelsens nedadstigende Ess-dur-treklang pekes det vekk fra rokokkofesten og, med verkets iboende kompositoriske kreativitet, mot en annen idé om hva underholdning kan være. Ess-dur-trioen er det eneste fullførte egenkomponerte verket Mozart skapte for besetningen fiolin, bratsj og cello og er et av hans mest omfattende kammermusikkverk.
I «Preludier og Fuger», K. 404a, hører vi Mozarts egenkomponerte adagioer som forspill til J.S. Bachs fuger fra «Das Wohltemperierte Klavier» (BWV 853/ 883/ 882) i stryketrioarrangement.
Ssens Trio (uttales «Essens») ble startet i 2014 av tre musikere med lang fartstid i internasjonalt musikkliv.
Deres første CD («Beethoven: String Trio Op. 3 & Serenade Op. 8», LWC1122) mottok «Supersonic Award» (Pizzicato Magazine) og ble nominert til den prestisjetunge ICMA Award i 2018.
Fanfare Magazine skrev: «With absolutely no hesitation I will say that it goes right to the top of my Beethoven String Trios list.» (Jerry Dubins)
I Pizzicato Magazine fikk CD-en følgende omtale: «Beethoven med kommunikativ spilleglede. Den lekne spillegleden er gjennomgående. (...) Når dette sjelfulle spill kombineres med en fantastisk veltalende virtuositet, står det intet igjen å ønske.» (Alain Steffen)
When the string trio Ssens Trio released their critically acclaimed debut album on the LAWO Classics label (LWC1122), it was Beethoven who was featured on the menu. On their second album they offer music of W. A. Mozart, more specifically, “Divertimento in E-flat major”, K. 563, together with “Preludes and Fugues”, K. 404a.
Mozart’s “Divertimento in E-flat major” is a towering work. Its seriousness and breadth demolished the boundaries of light music which the designation “Divertimento” had commonly stood for. Even at the very beginning, the descending E major triad points away from rococo merriment and, with the work’s inherent compositional creativity, toward another idea of what light music can be. The trio in E-flat major is Mozart’s only completed, self-composed work for violin, viola and cello, and it is one of his most comprehensive chamber music works.
In “Preludes and Fugues”, K. 404a, we hear Mozart’s own adagios as preludes to J. S. Bach’s fugues from “Das Wohltemperierte Klavier” (BWV 853/883/882) in string trio arrangement.
Ssens Trio (pronounced ‘Essence’) was established in 2014 by three musicians with a wealth of experience in the international music scene. The trio consists of violinist Sølve Sigerland, violist Henninge Landaas and cellist Ellen Margrete Flesjø. Their first album (Beethoven: String Trio Op. 3 & Serenade Op. 8, LWC1122) received Pizzicato Magazine’s “Supersonic Award” and a prestigious ICMA Awards nomination in 2018. Fanfare Magazine wrote: “With absolutely no hesitation I will say that it goes right to the top of my Beethoven String Trios list.” (Jerry Dubins) And the following from a review in Pizzicato Magazine under the heading ‘Beethoven With a Communicative Joy of Music Making’: “Their performance is brimming with the joy of playing together. (…) And when one combines the sensitive playing with a wonderfully eloquent virtuosity, the way is clear for pure listening pleasure.” (Alain Steffen)
"The Ssens Trio – Sølve Sigerland, fiolin, Henninge Landaas, bratsj, og Ellen Margrete Flesjø, cello – fanger perfekt musikkens tvetydighet i foreningen av sjarm og dybde. Innspillingen er nær og intim, som om musikerne hadde grepet fatt i deg, plassert deg foran seg og sagt: «Hør nå på dette!»" Martin Anderson,, 05.04.2019
"What a beautiful release this is. [...] The Ssens Trio came together in 2014. [...] All three have beautiful tones and they play with fine intonation, relaxed but very musical rhythm and marvellous ensemble. [...] You notice two things straight away: the recording is first-rate, allowing us to hear the cello all the time, and the players have a natural feeling for tempo." Tully Potter, Classical Source, May 2019
5 stars! "The Norwegian Ssens Trio plays works for string trio by Mozart, a so called Divertimento and Adagios and Fugues on the basis of music by Johann Sebastian Bach. The intense performances are characterized by a very fine communication between the musicians. Their feeling for the musical expression makes this recording definitely worth listening." Uwe Krusch, Pizzicato, 19.05.2019
"This is a warmly interpreted and beautifully played recording that makes me wish for more. Each of these programs has clearly-recorded virues and no vices. The Ssens is richer in sound with more variety in vibrato. If that attracts you, it didn't turn me away. I look forward to more from them." D. Moore, American Record Guide
«Ssens trio gir oss en ytterst flott og elegant versjon av «Divertimento i Ess-dur» K563 av Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791). Her satt sammen med Mozarts «Preludier og fuger» K404a. Det er en av de flotteste stryketrioene Ssens trio har tatt med på denne platen. Den setter på mange måter en standard for komposisjoner for denne besetningen.» Trond Erikson, Den klassiske CD Bloggen, 29.12.2019
[…] I will tell you that this new performance by Ssens is the best I’ve ever heard, period. Talk about each instrument being primus inter pares, about every note counting and making a significant contribution to spiritual and sensuous fulfillment, that’s what you have in the Ssens’s reading. […] Anyway, I concluded that only the most insatiable of Mozart completists had to have these “practice” preludes and fugues. The half of them offered here by the Ssens Trio are a whole enough. The main business of the disc is the Divertimento, and for that I’ve not heard the Ssens Trio bettered, let alone equaled.” Fanfare Magazine Jan./Feb.2020, Jerry Dubins
Divertimento i Ess-dur, K. 563
1) I. Allegro /// 08:50
2) II. Adagio /// 11:34
3) III. Menuetto /// 06:14
4) IV. Andante /// 07:16
5) V. Menuetto /// 06:27
6) VI. Allegro /// 06:33
Preludier and Fuger, K. 404a
7) I. Adagio /// 04:10
8) II. Fugue /// 04:24
9) III. Adagio /// 03:28
10) IV. Fugue, allegro /// 02:45
11) V. Adagio /// 02:51
12) VI. Fugue, vivace /// 02:12