På denne innspillingen med blokkfløytist Caroline Eidsten Dahl, barokkcellist Kate Hearne og cembalist Christian Kjos, presenteres Telemanns komplette samling av sonater for blokkfløyte og basso continuo. Syv av sonatene er blant Telemanns mest kjente, og de har blitt en del av standardrepertoaret for blokkfløytister. On this recording with recorder player Caroline Eidsten Dahl, baroque cellist Kate Hearne and harpsichordist Christian Kjos we are presented with Telemann’s complete collection of sonatas for recorder and basso continuo. Seven of the sonatas are among his best-known, and they have become a part of the standard repertoire for recorder players.

  • LWC1181 Katalognummer
  • 7090020182032 EAN
  • CD Format
  • DXD 24BIT/352,8 KHz Masterfiler
  • Jar kirke, Bærum Innspillingssted
  • 2019 Utgivelsesår

På denne innspillingen med blokkfløytist Caroline Eidsten Dahl, barokkcellist Kate Hearne og cembalist Christian Kjos, presenteres Telemanns komplette samling av sonater for blokkfløyte og basso continuo. Syv av sonatene er blant Telemanns mest kjente, og de har blitt en del av standardrepertoaret for blokkfløytister. On this recording with recorder player Caroline Eidsten Dahl, baroque cellist Kate Hearne and harpsichordist Christian Kjos we are presented with Telemann’s complete collection of sonatas for recorder and basso continuo. Seven of the sonatas are among his best-known, and they have become a part of the standard repertoire for recorder players.
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Dahl, Caroline Eidsten (blokkfløyte) | Hearne, Kate (barokkcello) | Kjos, Christian (cembalo)

Telemann, Georg Philipp

Lawo Classics

Landaas, Vegard

Wolden, Thomas

Granberg, Anna-Julia | BLUNDERBUSS



På denne innspillingen med blokkfløytist Caroline Eidsten Dahl, barokkcellist Kate Hearne og cembalist Christian Kjos, presenteres Telemanns komplette samling av sonater for blokkfløyte og basso continuo.

Syv av sonatene er blant Telemanns mest kjente, og de har blitt en del av standardrepertoaret for blokkfløytister. I tillegg får vi høre hans to sonatiner, hvor bass-stemmen manglet fram til den ble funnet igjen på 1990-tallet. Trioen framfører her noen av sine absolutt favorittsonater; det er aldri kjedelig for en musiker å spille Telemanns musikk!

Mottoet «Singen ist das Fundament zur Music in allen Dingen» (første setning i et lite dikt i brev til Mattheson i 1718) oppsummerer godt Telemanns bærende prinsipp om å alltid holde fast ved det sangbare og melodiøse. I tillegg krydret han gjerne med litt kultivert folklore, først og fremst «alla Polacca»-melodier. Dette gjenspeiles tydelig i Telemanns blokkfløytesonater; hans forkjærlighet for vakre melodier, rytmer inspirert av polsk folkemusikk og virtuose løp, både hos blokkfløyta og basso continuo.

«Telemann Recorder Sonatas» er Caroline Eidsten Dahls tredje innspilling på LAWO Classics. Hun har tidligere gitt ut «Blockbird» (LWC1069), med ny, norsk musikk for blokkfløyte, og «Sonata Norwegica» (LWC1165), med barokkmusikk fra Norge og Sverige, til flotte kritikker.  



On this recording with recorder player Caroline Eidsten Dahl, baroque cellist Kate Hearne and harpsichordist Christian Kjos we are presented with Telemann’s complete collection of sonatas for recorder and basso continuo.

Seven of the sonatas are among his best-known, and they have become a part of the standard repertoire for recorder players. In addition, we get to hear two sonatinas whose basso continuo parts were missing until their discovery in the 1990s. The trio performs here some of its absolute favourite sonatas; a musician never tires of playing Telemann!

The motto “Singen ist das Fundament zur Music in allen Dingen“ (the first line of a little poem in Telemann’s letter to Mattheson in 1718) sums up well Telemann’s fundamental principle of composing music that is melodious. Moreover, he liked to sprinkle in some cultivated folklore, especially in his “alla Polacca” melodies. This is clearly reflected in Telemann’s sonatas for recorder — in his fondness for beautiful melodies, for rhythms inspired by Polish traditional music, and for virtuosic runs for both recorder and basso continuo. 

“Telemann Recorder Sonatas” is Caroline Eidsten Dahl’s third recording on the LAWO Classics label. Her previous releases, “Blockbird” (LWC1069), with Norwegian music for recorder, and “Sonata Norwegica” (LWC1165), with baroque music from Norway and Sweden, received glowing reviews.


“What a beautiful, inspired homage to the great Telemann! These recordings of eight sonatas for recorder fully reflect the sparkling creativity and high quality of his compositions. This extremely jovial and dynamic music requires the full concentration of the performers, especially because of the frequent and often unexpected changes in tonality and rhythm. And the three musicians, virtuoso recorder player Caroline Eidstein Dahl, cellist Kate Hearne and harpsichordist Christian Kjos do full justice to this. This ensemble is not focusing an abrasive sound, but cares for the everlasting ‘To Music’, a contagious homage to the art of sound in its own way, in which vitality does not exclude sensitivity. For lovers of the Baroque this is therefore a celebration full of energy and sensuality. The recording is, as usual with Lawo, flawless and very natural.” Remy Franck, pizzicato.lu, 16.01.2020

 «[…] Igjen er det av det særdeles gode å lytte til Caroline Eidsten Dahls flotte spille på dette instrumentet. Det er ikke noe fiksfakseri denne musikeren driver med, men ren musikalsk formidling som er helt nydelig å lytte til. […] Så var det utøverne. Det er fremragende spill i disse sonatene, som nok kan kalles lett underholdning i dag. Og det er bare å dele ut de fine musikalske blomstene til Caroline Eidsten Dahl, barokkcellisten Kate Hearne og cembalist Christian Kjos. De kan sin barokkhistorie!» Trond Erikson, Den klassiske CD Bloggen, 06.02.2020

“If virtuoso recorder playing is your thing, then Caroline Eidsten Dahl really delivers on this CD. Of the 34 movements, 18 are fast and she plays them at tempos that leave even the listener breathless! […] To focus one’s attention solely on the recorder soloist, however, is to miss much that makes this recording outstanding and Telemann’s composing remarkable. The fact is that this is a collaboration by three equal musicians, and that these “solo” sonatas are in reality trios. If you focus your listening on the cello part, played by Irish cellist Kate Hearne, you can hear it, sometimes just as virtuosic as the recorder, as the lower part of a duo. And the harpsichord, played by Christian Kjos, not only fills in the harmonies implied by the other two parts, but also supplies harmonic momentum and adds sparkling melodic solos when opportunities arise. In the short movements of these nine sonatas – the shortest is 47 seconds, the longest three and a half minutes – one can gain insight into the composer’s mind, crafting each movement into a unique miniature masterpiece. This disc offers so much, not only to recorder aficionados but also to music lovers, musicians and composers.” Allan Pulker, thewholenote.com, 25.03.2020

"The Norwegian recorder player Caroline Eidsten Dahl has really ticked the boxes with this collection of nine of Telemann’s recorder sonatas, beautifully supported by cellist Kate Hearne and harpsichordist Christian Kjos, [...] Smooth tone, elegant articulation and ambitious but effortless-sounding tempos are likewise the names of the game across the remainder of the programme. [...]  Add the style with which she delivers the intentionally virtuoso Allegro of the Sonata in C, TWV41:C2, plucked from the Essercizii musici, plus the sweet lyricism of the C minor Sonatina’s Dolce, and this whole album deserves repeated listening." Charlotte Gardner, Gramophone Magazine, April 2020

"[...] blokkfløytisten Caroline Eidsten Dahl, som sammen med cellist Kate Hearne og cembalist Christian Kjos har samlet ni fløytesonater, skrevet på 1720- og 30-tallet. Med tanke på Telemanns enorme produksjon (3600 verk), er det påfallende at selv mindre ambisiøse stykker som dette holder en så jevn og solid kvalitet. Samtidig er musikken avhengig av gode musikere, og på denne platen er de samlet i balansert og levende ensemblespill. Fløyteklangen til Eidsten Dahl er rund, men tydelig, og fraseringen er organisk og fantasifull. [...]" Emil Bernhardt, Morgenbladet, 03.04.2020

"A sprightly collection of recorder sonatas, with plenty of forward momentum, measured breath control and balance of sound. A few lapses in tuning aside, it’s a well-produced, reliable disc." BBC Music Magazine, Brief Notes, April 2020

"[...] As for the performance itself, the players all mesh quite well in terms of ensemble. Dahl performs the often difficult lines with clarity and ease, while the continuo is expertly done. The disc is certainly on a level with the many others, and thus one must make a choice as to which one would like in their collection. This performance ranks highly and should be considered." Bertil van Boer, Fanfare Magazine, July/August 2020





Sonatina i c-moll, TWV 41:c2

1) I. Largo /// 01:32

2) II. Allegro /// 01:29

3) III. Dolce /// 02:23

4) IV. Vivace /// 01:40

Sonatina i a-moll, TWV 41:a4

5) I. Andante /// 02:24

6) II. Allegro /// 01:48

7) III. Andante /// 02:15

8) IV. Presto /// 01:43

Sonate i C-dur, TWV 41:C2

9) I. Cantabile /// 01:18

10) II. Allegro /// 01:50

11) III. Grave /// 01:19

12) IV. Vivace /// 01:59

Sonate i f-moll, TWV 41:f1

13) I. Triste /// 01:53

14) II. Allegro /// 03:37

15) III. Andante /// 01:28

16) IV. Vivace /// 01:57

 Sonate i F-dur, TWV 41:F2

17) I. Vivace /// 02:07

18) II. Largo /// 01:50

19) III. Allegro /// 01:31

Sonate i B-dur, TWV 41:B3

20) I. Largo /// 01:20

21) II. Allegro /// 01:50

22) III. Largo /// 01:26

23) IV. Vivace /// 01:47

Sonate i C-dur, TWV 41:C5

24) I. Adagio – Allegro – Adagio – Allegro /// 02:19

25) II. Larghetto /// 01:40

26) III. Vivace /// 02:37

 Sonate i d-moll, TWV 41:d4

27) I. Affettuoso /// 01:47

28) II. Presto /// 03:10

29) III. Grave /// 00:46

30) IV. Allegro /// 02:53

 Sonate i f-moll, TWV 41:f2

31) I. Adagio /// 02:13

32) II. Allegro /// 01:32

33) III. Adagio /// 01:37

34) IV. Gigue /// 01:11


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Telemann Recorder Sonatas <span>-</span> Dahl, Caroline Eidsten (blokkfløyte) / Hearne, Kate (barokkcello) / Kjos, Christian (cembalo) Telemann Recorder Sonatas Dahl, Caroline Eidsten (blokkfløyte) / Hearne, Kate (barokkcello) / Kjos, Christian (cembalo)

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