The Engegård Quartet presents their beautiful album, featuring Mozart’s String Quartet K. 499, known as the “Hoffmeister,” alongside his delightful Divertimenti K. 136, 137, and 138. This release captures the quartet’s signature blend of precision and passion, bringing these beloved works to life with warmth and clarity.

  • LWC1349 Katalognummer
  • 7090020183213 EAN
  • CD Format
  • DXD 24BIT / 352.8 KHZ Masterfiler
  • Sofienberg kirke, Oslo Innspillingssted
  • 2024 Utgivelsesår

The Engegård Quartet presents their beautiful album, featuring Mozart’s String Quartet K. 499, known as the “Hoffmeister,” alongside his delightful Divertimenti K. 136, 137, and 138. This release captures the quartet’s signature blend of precision and passion, bringing these beloved works to life with warmth and clarity.
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The Engegård Quartet presents their beautiful album, featuring Mozart’s String Quartet K. 499, known as the “Hoffmeister,” alongside his delightful Divertimenti K. 136, 137, and 138. This release captures the quartet’s signature blend of precision and passion, bringing these beloved works to life with warmth and clarity.
In K. 499 “Hoffmeister”, Mozart’s melodic inventiveness and expressive depth shine through, with the Engegård Quartet’s interpretation highlighting the quartet’s intricate dialogues and dramatic contrasts. Paired with the lively and joyful Divertimenti, this album offers listeners a refreshing take on Mozart’s chamber music.

Formed in Lofoten under the midnight sun in 2006, the Engegård Quartet quickly gained a reputation as one of Scandinavia’s leading string quartets. Known for their dynamic performances and versatile repertoire, the ensemble has been celebrated for their interpretations of both classical masterpieces and contemporary works.

Comprised of musicians with extensive international experience, the Engegård Quartet brings a unique voice to the string quartet repertoire, marked by a deep musical insight and dedication to their craft. With Mozart String Quartets: K. 499 “Hoffmeister”, Divertimenti K. 136, 137 & 138, the quartet continues to enrich the classical music landscape with inspired performances that resonate with audiences worldwide.


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1765-91)

Divertimento in D major, K.136/125a
1. Allegro - 03:55
2. Andante - 05:16
3. Presto - 02:31

Divertimento in B-flat major, K.137/125b
4. Allegro di molto - 02:21:00
5. Andante - 05:34:30
6. Allegro assai - 01:57

Divertimento in F major, K.138/125c
7. Allegro - 03:34:69
8. Andante - 03:45:54
9. Presto - 01:57:21

String Quartet No.20 in D major, K.499
10. Allegretto - 08:58:60
11. Menuetto and Trio. Allegretto - 02:49:69
12. Adagio - 07:30:30
13. Allegro - 06:48:06


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Mozart: String Quartets Dedicated to Haydn - Vol. 2 - The Engegård Quartet

I tillegg til å være et av Norges mest anerkjente og ettertraktede ensembler har Engegårdkvartetten satt seg et ambisiøst mål: å gi ut alle Mozarts strykekvartetter på CD. Den første utgivelsen, med Mozarts tre siste kvartetter (de såkalt «Prøyssiske», ble utgitt på LAWO Classics i 2017 (LWC1123), og den andre (CD 1 med såkalte «Haydn-kvartetter», LWC1167) i 2019. In addition to being one of Norway’s most well-known and sought after ensembles, the Engegård Quartet has set itself an ambitious goal: to release CD recordings of Mozart’s complete string quartets. The first recording, with Mozart’s last three quartets (The Prussian Quartets) was released by LAWO Classics in 2017 (LWC1123), and the second (CD 1 Haydn Quartets, LWC1167) in 2019. 


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Mozart String Quartets K. 499 "Hoffmeister", Divertimenti K. 136, 137 & 138 <span>-</span> The Engegård Quartet Mozart String Quartets K. 499 "Hoffmeister", Divertimenti K. 136, 137 & 138 The Engegård Quartet

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