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Egge, Klaus3

Valen - Egge - Hvoslef: Piano Trios - Valen Trio

Trioene som blir presentert på denne innspillingen representerer tre generasjoner norske komponister, og det er en interessant historisk og musikalsk linje som slik trekkes opp gjennom de siste 100 år. The trios selected for this recording represent three generations of Norwegian composers, and they trace an interesting line, both historically and musically, through the past one hundred years. 

Norwegian Music for the Piano - Knardahl, Eva (piano)

Norwegian pianist, Eva Knardahl (1927-2006), was one of Norway´s foremost pianists of the 20th century. She had an expansive repertoire and diverse musical experiences. In 1984 she became the first professor of chamber music at the Norwegian Academy of Music. This record exclusively features “gems” which, in the 20th century, were played over and over again in private homes and the concert halls in Norway. Today, the repertoire is still well known to Norwegian students of music and established pianists, alike. 


Eggen, Arne1

Inspired By Bach - Dahl, Anders Eidsten (orgel)

Det er den unge norske organisten Anders Eidsten Dahl som har spilt inn CD-en "Inspired by Bach" med musikk av Robert Schumann, Arne Eggen, Fartein Valen og Johann Sebastian Bach. It is the young Norwegian organist Anders Eidsten Dahl who has recorded the CD “Inspired by Bach” with music by Robert Schumann, Arne Eggen, Fartein Valen and Johann Sebastian Bach. 


Elling, Catharinus1

Young Elling - Kielland, Marianne Beate (mezzosopran)

De siste årene har norsk musikkliv fått øynene opp for Catharinus Elling – en komponist som virket samtidig med Grieg og som hadde sin utdannelse fra Tyskland – blant annet gjennom flere plateutgivelser. 


Side 1/1 av ca. 3 treff