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Lawo Classics286

The Art Of Brynjar Hoff - Hoff, Brynjar (obo)

LAWO Classics vil med denne utgivelsen feire Brynjar Hoffs 70 år lange musikerliv. Hoff er en legende i norsk musikkliv. Han var en av de mest sette klassiske artistene på TV gjennom en årrekke og en av landets mest aktive musikere på konsertscener rundt om. Han var en av de få utvalgte norske musikere som både var solist og gjorde innspillinger med English Chamber Orchestra og London Philharmonic Orchestra. With this release, LAWO Classics wishes to celebrate Brynjar Hoff’s 70 years as a musician. Hoff is a legend in Norwegian musical life. For years he was one of the country’s most active classical artists as a television and concert performer in Norway and abroad. He was also one of the few Norwegian musicians to both perform as soloist and record with the English Chamber Orchestra and London Philharmonic Orchestra. 

Tveitt Songs - Nordskog, Liv Elise (soprano) / Bakke, Signe (piano)

Soprano Liv Elise Nordskog and pianist Signe Bakke proudly announce the release of their album "Tveitt Songs," a captivating tribute to the vocal works of renowned Norwegian composer Geirr Tveitt. This release shines a spotlight on Tveitt's enchanting songs, bringing his lyrical and expressive compositions to life. 

Beethoven: String Trios, Op. 9 - Ssens Trio

«Beethoven komponerte på 1790 tallet fem verk for stryketrio. På denne utgivelsen presenteres vi for de tre trioene i hans op.9. De var, etter Beethovens’s egen mening, hans mest vellykkede fra hans tidligste år som komponist.

Beethoven composed five works for string trio in the 1790s. This release presents the three trios from his Op. 9, which, in Beethoven's own opinion, were his most successful compositions from his early years as a composer. 

Bødtker Vold Wergeland - Bødtker, Ellen (harpe) / Vold, Jan Erik (narrator)

Harpist Ellen Bødtker's latest album offers newly composed music set to the poetry of Jan Erik Vold and Henrik Wergeland. This unique collaboration takes a new direction, featuring a string quartet and percussion. Jan Erik Vold's vocals seamlessly weave in and out of the music, creating a cohesive musical narrative. Wergeland's texts are selected with a musical and thematic perspective, while Vold adds his contributions from his rich body of work, providing a commentary on Wergeland's themes. 

Knut Vaage: Relieff, Refleks, Rite - Stalheim, Amalie (cello) / Aadland, Harald (violin) / Norwegian Radio Orchestra

Noen av Norges fremste musikere kommer sammen for å presentere en ny utgivelse av Knut Vaage; "Relieff, Refleks, Rite". Denne banebrytende samling verk, framført av cellist Amalie Stalheim, fiolinist Harald Aadland, Kringkastingsorkestret og dirigent Eivind Aadland, er en feiring av innovativ ny norsk komposisjon. 

An die Musik - Thedéen, Torleif (cello) / Shirinyan, Marianna (piano)

In Richard Strauss’s early Cello Sonata Op. 6, we hear flickers of his distinct musical personality sprouting amid cracks in a traditional Germanic facade. Not many works from Richard Strauss’s teenage years still get performed, but this one has become part of the repertoire. Piano and cello are woven tight here, in this case moving from the lyrical verve and heavy Brahmsian chords of the opening to a four-part fugue. Mendelssohn’s easy lyricism can be heard in the Romance-like Larghetto while the same composer’s elfin lightness peers through Strauss’s final Allegro vivo. 


Side 1/1 av ca. 2 treff