NIDAROSDOMENS STOLTHET – I ALL SIN PRAKT Til 900-års markeringen for slaget på Stiklestad stod i 1930 et av Nord-Europas største kirkeorgler ferdig i Nidaros domkirke i Trondheim. De arkitektoniske løsningene som ble valgt gjorde imidlertid at orglet fikk en blandet mottakelse, og i årene som fulgte ble orglet ombygget og omplassert. Klimatiske utfordringer gjorde dessuten sitt til at orglet etterhvert ble nærmest ubrukelig, og i 2012 ble det etter mange års forarbeid endelig inngått avtale om restaurering, med det sveitsiske firmaet Kuhn. I mai 2014 stod orglet gjenreist til sin opprinnelige prakt, og etter å ha stått «vingeklippet» i over 50 år har Steinmeyer-orglet i Nidarosdomen igjen inntatt posisjonen som et av Europas største og flotteste katedralorgler. Da Magne H. Draagen (f. 1974) tiltrådte som ledende domkantor i Nidarosdomen i 2012 var Steinmeyer-orglet under demontering. Draagen har tidligere virket som domkantor ved henholdsvis Oslo og Stavanger domkirke, og konserterer jevnlig som orgelsolist i Norge så vel som ellers i Europa. Med denne første innspillingen etter restaureringen ønsker han å vise noe av klangrikdommen og mulighetene i det gjenreiste katedralorglet med sine 9600 piper! Her presenteres et variert program, med både høydepunkter fra orgellitteraturen og arrangementer av kjente klassiske stykker – fra Händels «Water Music» til Griegs «Morgenstemning».
THE PRIDE OF NIDAROS CATHEDRAL — IN ALL ITS MAGNIFICENCE The installation of one of northern Europe’s largest church organs in Nidaros Cathedral in Trondheim was completed in 1930 for the 900th anniversary of the Battle of Stiklestad. Due to the architectonic solutions, however, the organ met with a mixed reception. In the years that followed, it was rebuilt and relocated within the cathedral, but with constant exposure to dampness and draft, the organ became virtually unplayable. So in 2012, following many years of preliminary work, an agreement was finally reached regarding the restoration of the organ by Kuhn Organ Builders in Switzerland, and by May 2014 the organ had been restored to its original splendour. Thus, after having stood “with clipped wings” for over 50 years, the Steinmeyer organ in Nidaros Cathedral has reassumed its position as one of Europe’s largest and most magnificent cathedral organs. Magne H. Draagen (b. 1974) took over as Director of Music of Nidaros Cathedral in the autumn of 2013. Earlier he served as organist and choirmaster and as Director of Music at Oslo Cathedral and Stavanger Cathedral, respectively. He performs regularly as concert organist in Norway and elsewhere in Europe. With this first recording following the restoration, Draagen wishes to to show something of the possibilities and richness of timbre of the newly restored Steinmeyer organ with its 9,600 pipes! The album features a varied programme of highlights from organ literature along with arrangements of familiar classical pieces — from Händel’s “Water Music” to Grieg’s “Morning Mood”.
ANMELDELSER/REVIEWS «After Draagen’s own improvisation on a folk tune from Hornindal, Nordfjord – a charming little number, chimes and celesta to the fore – comes the celebratory splendour of Gigout’s Grand choeur dialogué. And what a rousing send-off it is too, the Steinmeyer in full voice, formidable weight and fine articulation laced with sparkling detail. [...] This well-filled album is mighty impressive, and that goes for the sound as well; in short, a triumph.»
«Organist Magna Draagen opens the disc with a fine transcription of Edvard Grieg’s “Morning Mood” from the Peer Gynt Suite in a transcription by Harvey Gaul. From there, we are treated to lovely performances of works by composers like Duprè, Howells, Handel and Nielsen. These are superb performances, and the Steinmeier Organ really sounds spectacular in this expansive cathedral. The 5.0 recording goes quite deep. The surround channels really make this recording what it is. In stereo everything folds forward and the effect of the church acoustics with it’s five-second reverb time are lost. It must have been quite a challenge for the engineers, but everything works. This is a very wide-imaged recording, with a solid 3D sound. The dynamic range is extremely wide, so your audio system will get a workout. If you can’t get to Norway to hear this wonderful instrument, this disc is the next best option.» Mel Martin - Audiophile Audition (Five stars) «I denne CD-utgivelsen fremstilles et utvalg av orgellitteraturens Greatest Hits. For en enestående samling flott musikk! Det er nærliggende å tenke at den som ikke her begeistres av orgelet som instrument, må være tapt for orgelmusikken for alltid. [...] Her er det bare å si: «Løp og kjøp» selv om det i vårt nettbaserte samfunn unektelig har noe forhistorisk over seg. I alle fall; oppfordringen skulle være tydelig nok.» «As well as being an interesting story about the "death" and "redemption" of an important organ in a building of profound historical significance, the attractive musical programme provides a vividly colourful set of organ pieces, only a few of them being well-known. Superbly played with technical élan and genuine expression by Draagen and recorded most convincingly by the Lawo team, this phoenix-like reappearance of the Steinmeyer Organ gives us all the chance to take part and marvel at the restored organ's music-making.» «Magne H Draagen spelar med härlig entusiasm och CD:en är ett mycket välkommet dokument kring en av Europas viktigaste katedralorglar. Skivan rekommenderas varmt och ett besök i Nidaros rekommenderas för at uppleva den klangliga storheten i katedralakustiken.» Jan Cedmark – Orgelforum anmeldelse_LWC1075_orgelforum_sverige.pdf «These are superb performances and the Steinmeier Organ sounds spectacular.» «With so much aural colour to play with, Draagen’s own improvisation shows remarkable restraint in its Grieg-like 3’40’’, while in Eben’s «Moto Ostinato», the lovely Adagio by Arild Sandvold and, particularly, a discreet account of «Master Tallis’s Testament» we hear this fine organ and intelligent player at their very best.» «This is a Rolls-Royce organ, in a recording well worth seeking out.» «The arrangement of Grieg’s famous Morning Mood shows off admirably the orchestral side of the Nidaros organ. Draagen plays with great control and sense of musical shape. These skills are also very much evident in his excellent performance of Master Tallis’s Testament, in which one can also appreciate the phenomenal dynamic range of the instrument.» «Draagen plays with skill and commitment and the whole is highly enjoyable [...] a fine, very late-romantic German organ with some interesting evidence of the early influence of the Orgelbewegung.» reviews_LWC1075_de_orgelvriend_2015-3.pdf reviews_LWC1075_Choirandorgan.pdf