PREMIERE! Det er sjelden her til lands at det kommer ut et album med klarinettkonserter, men på den finske klarinettisten Björn Nymans debut-CD som solist – «Première» – får du hele tre av dem. Nyman, en av verdens ledende på sitt instrument og mangeårig soloklarinettist i KORK, presenterer sammen med orkesteret tre verk som samlet byr på en enorm stilistisk spennvidde – musikk som speiler ham som den svært allsidige musikeren han er. Björn Nyman er en etterspurt kammermusiker og solist. Han er soloklarinettist i Kringkastingsorkestret og i Det Norske Kammerorkester og har vært solist med orkestre over hele Europa. Nyman har vunnet priser i de prestisjetunge ARD- og Carl Nielsen-konkurransene. PREMIERE! It is a rare occasion indeed when an album of clarinet concertos is released in Norway, but Finnish clarinettist Björn Nyman’s debut CD as soloist — “Première” — features three of them. Nyman, one of the world’s leading performers on his instrument and long-time solo clarinettist of the Norwegian Radio Orchestra (KORK), presents together with the orchestra three works stylistically very broad in scope — music reflecting the extremely versatile musician that he is. The earliest work is by a countryman of Nyman, Bernhard Crusell, one of the first important Nordic composers. The Clarinet Concerto in F Minor was the work Crusell held in the highest regard. “Première Rhapsodie” by Claude Debussy presents other challenges. It is a virtuosic standard work for all clarinettists for whom the sound is the alpha and omega. The real test, and an event in itself, is the first-ever recording of Jan Erik Mikalsen’s clarinet concerto. He is regarded as one of our leading composers, and in 2015 his work “Songr” won the prestigious contemporary music prize awarded by the International Rostrum of Composers. The clarinet concerto is sumptuous music that allows both orchestra and soloist to unfold their full opulence of sound. Björn Nyman is in frequent demand as chamber musician and soloist. He is solo clarinettist of the Norwegian Radio Orchestra (KORK) and the Norwegian Chamber Orchestra and has performed as soloist with orchestras throughout Europe. Nyman has won prizes in the prestigious ARD International Music Competition and the Carl Nielsen International Chamber Music Competition.
«Nyman plays with a beautiful and resonant tone, exquisite phrasing, and superb technique, and the orchestra handles each piece with expertise and authority. The opening Debussy is a breathtaking achievement in precision, balance, instrumental color, and sublime expression. The Crusell is also excellent, a perfect balance between elegant classical touch and fiery romantic character that recalls the musical atmosphere of post-Mozart Vienna. The Mikalsen is a radical departure, immediately throwing the listener onto an alien planet that is creepy, startling, and violent. [...] Nyman and his colleagues render each selection with a rare combination of skill and artistic commitment.» "If his technical skills are remarkable, he is stunning when it comes to colors and dynamic nuances." "Björn Nyman versteht es meisterhaft mit seinem elegantem virtuosen Spiel den Charakter dieser Komposition auszuloten. (...) Auch hier bewältigt Björn Nyman die Thriller meisterhaft. Seine Virtuosität gepaart mit seiner Eleganz begeistern auch bei dieser Komposition auf Anhieb. (...)Der Dirigent ist dieses mal Thomas Sondergard, dem eine spannungsgeladene Interpretation gelingt. Björn Nyman gelingt es in dieser Komposition eine ganz neue Seite von sich zu zeigen. " "Cerca de uma hora de boa música, em simultâneo em formato SACD Surround 5.0, SACD Stereo, e o tradicional CD Stereo, num álbum em que, independentemente de qual for o formato de leitura, a excelente qualidade de som está garantida."