SENROMANTIKK MED NORSK BLIKK Eyvind Alnæs’ første symfoni ble uroppført i 1900, og selv om den fikk gode kritikker der og da, gjorde samtidens etter hvert manglende begeistring for hans senromantiske stil at den knapt ble spilt igjen de neste hundre årene. I 2010 ble den hentet frem igjen, og nå begeistrer den tydelige innflytelsen fra Tsjaikovskij og Rakhmaninov. Pianokonserten har ord på seg for å være en utfordring for pianisten – kanskje har organisten Alnæs lurt den stemmen som på orgel kan spilles med føttene inn blant de allerede ganske opptatte fingrene? Siste sats sender en klar hilsen til Grieg, som var blant dem som gav Alnæs sine beste skussmål i sin tid. Håvard Gimse har etablert seg som en av Norges fremste musikere med et ekspansivt repertoar som favner over 30 fremførte pianokonserter. Hans forkjærlighet for skandinavisk og norsk klassisk musikk har gjort ham til en av de mest innflytelsesrike artister på denne arenaen. Oslo Filharmoniske Orkester ble stiftet i 1919 og er et internasjonalt anerkjent symfoniorkester med over 100 musikere og en nesten 100 år lang historie. Eivind Aadland er en av Norges mest anerkjente dirigenter. Hans omfattende diskografi spenner over et bredt repertoar, og understreker statusen hans som en utrettelig forkjemper for norsk musikk.
LATE ROMANTICISM THROUGH NORWEGIAN EYES Eyvind Alnæs’s first symphony was premiered in 1900, and although it received good reviews there and then, it was hardly performed over the next one hundred years due to dwindling enthusiasm for his late Romantic style. Since receiving new attention in 2010, the work, with its early influence of Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninoff, now meets with enthusiastic approval. The piano concerto is known to be a challenge for pianists — did perhaps Alnæs the organist make extra demands on busy fingers by slipping in a pedal part? The last movement clearly sends a greeting to Grieg, who once gave Alnæs his highest recommendation. Håvard Gimse is firmly established as one of Norway’s leading musicians, with an expansive repertoire that includes over thirty piano concertos he has performed. His strong affinity for Scandinavian music, and Norwegian music in particular, has made him one of the leading recording artists in this arena. Founded in 1919, Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra is an internationally renowned symphony orchestra with over one hundred musicians and an almost one-hundred-year history. Eivind Aadland is one of Norway’s most respected conductors. His prolific discography spans a broad repertoire range and underlines his status as a tireless champion of Norwegian music.
«Jeg må si at det er avgjort sympatisk at Oslo-filharmonien og plateselskapet LAWO gir oss av våre mer eller mindre skjulte skatter. Her blir vi presentert for Eivind Alnæs’ første symfoni og hans klaverkonsert, begge verk du knapt hører i dag. [...] Men nå har vi disse to verkene foran oss og vi er av dem som vil hilse dette velkomment. [...] Alnæs’ klaverkonsert er en av de få norske klaverkonserter med et visst format. Bare av den grunn bør vi sette av tid til å høre på den. Vi har hørt Håvard Gimse en gang tidligere i denne konserten. Når vi igjen hører denne konserten er vi imponert over anslaget til solisten[...]» Musikkhistorisk snadder Viktig klaverkonsert Vårens romantiske symfoni «Eyvind Alnæs’s Piano Concerto (1915) has charm aplenty. The Norwegian composer’s score is tuneful and opulently orchestrated, and the virtuoso piano-writing is often dazzling. [...] Håvard Gimse conveys a delightful sense of improvisatory freedom in some passages [...] Alnæs’s First Symphony (1897) [...] is less characterful but more cohesive than the concerto. The two inner movements are very fine, particularly the solemnly expressice Adagio with its aching harmonies and inventive orchestration[...] LAWO’s close-up recording adds to the musical impact.» Andrew Farach-Colton – Gramophone, mars 2017 review_LWC1112_Gramophone.pdf «It is a real grower; Alnæs's tunes are engaging and the orchestral writing accomplished. The sombre chorale which opens the Adagio is haunting, and there’s a hugely entertaining scherzo before a last movement wraps up proceedings in a mood of unbuttoned exuberance. I’d happily pay to hear this live [...] The coupling is Alnæs's Piano Concerto [...] Håvard Gimse gives a heroic account of the solo part, especially impressive in the goofy waltz finale. [...] Recommended.» Graham Rickson –, 25.03.17 review_LWC1112_The_artsdesk.pdf «You’ll know right from the start of the Piano Concerto if this composer is going to appeal. [...] when the big tune started on the strings, Rachmaninov came to mind. [...] What is helpful is the close recording made by the LAWO engineers, which has the advantage of an easy and unaffected piano balance. [...] If I was searching for an Alnaes disc to add to my library I can see no reason why this disc could not make a natural starting point.» "A symphony and a piano concerto composed by the largely unknown Eyvind Alnæs let the listener discover a romantic composer from Norway. Both of the works have a highly individual voice and become valuable discoveries in exquisite performances." Uwe Krusch – Pizzicato, 16.06.17 «I would say that if you like Rachmaninov and Liszt, you are bound to like this piece, as there are echoes of both throughout this work. [...] This is a disc I shall be returning to often, not just because it is excellent music but because of the commitment the orchestra show in their playing and the stirring work done by the conductor. [...] there is some wonderfully evocative playing by both soloist and orchestra.» «This album is a real revelation. [...] The Norwegian orchestra, with impressive sound quality, [...] leaves the listener breathless. An indispensable album for lovers of Nordic music and, especially, for those who admire the colossal strength of the Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra.» "Not only does the Oslo Philharmonic completely outclass the Latvian National Symphony on the rival Sterling CD, but its members also give the distinct impression they’re dealing with a national treasure. This is an exhilarating and important album and—for devotees of the Romantic symphony—an irresistible release." "Eivind Aadland’s Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra play with plenty of warmth and rhythmic bite, and they’re beautifully recorded. (...) Recommended." PODCAST