Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov: Capriccio Espagnol, Op. 34 / Russian Easter Festival Overture, Op. 36 / Scheherazade, Op. 35 - Petrenko, Vasily / Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra / Båtnes, Elise (concertmaster)

Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov: Capriccio Espagnol, Op. 34 / Russian Easter Festival Overture, Op. 36 / Scheherazade, Op. 35 - Petrenko, Vasily / Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra / Båtnes, Elise (concertmaster)


  • Etter å ha fullført sin kritikerroste syklus med Richard Strauss’ orkesterverker, utforsker Oslo-Filharmonien og Vasily Petrenko et knippe fargerike og folklore-inspirerte verker av Nikolaj Rimskij-Korsakov. After completing their much-appraised cycle of Richard Strauss’ orchestral works, the Oslo Philharmonic and Vasily Petrenko explore a selection of colourful and folklore-inspired works by Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov.
  • LWC1198 Produktnummer:
  • Petrenko, Vasily / Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra / Båtnes, Elise (concertmaster) Produsent:
  • CD Format:
  • 2020 Produksjonsår:
  • URL:




Etter å ha fullført sin kritikerroste syklus med Richard Strauss’ orkesterverker, utforsker Oslo-Filharmonien og Vasily Petrenko et knippe fargerike og folklore-inspirerte verker av Nikolaj Rimskij-Korsakov.

I 1856 vervet Rimskij-Korsakov seg som sjøkadett. Knapt et år inn i studiene ved sjøkrigsskolen så den unge Nikolaj sin første opera. Snart hørte han symfonier av Beethoven og Mendelssohn, og selv før han la ut på en tre år lang jordomseiling ombord på en klipper, visste Rimskij at han ville bli komponist og ikke sjømann.

Men tiden til sjøs var ikke helt bortkastet, den ga ham bl.a. inspirasjon til verkene på denne innspillingen, der en Spansk capriccio, op. 34 og de eksotiske eventyrene i Scheherazade, op. 35 møter toner fra komponistens hjemland i en Russisk påskeouverture, op. 36.

Vasily Petrenko er en av de mest signifikante musikerne av i dag, og han har høstet mye ros og vunnet priser for sine innspillinger av det russiske repertoaret, bl.a. to Gramophone Awards. Med Oslo-Filharmonien har han spilt inn verker av Sjostakovitsj, Szymanowski, Strauss og Prokofjev, i tillegg til en stor syklus med orkesterverker av Aleksandr Skrjabin.

Oslo-Filharmonien så dagens lys i 1919, og i løpet av det neste halve hundreåret vokste orkestrets renommé jevnt og trutt. I 1979 overtok Mariss Jansons dirigentstaven, og under hans ledelse nådde OFO sitt fulle potensiale som en verdig konkurrent til de store filharmoniske orkestrene i Wien, Berlin og New York.



After completing their much-appraised cycle of Richard Strauss’ orchestral works, the Oslo Philharmonic and Vasily Petrenko explore a selection of colourful and folklore-inspired works by Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov.

In 1856, Rimsky-Korsakov enrolled as a naval cadet. Barely a year into his studies at the naval academy, the young Nikolay saw his first opera. Soon he heard symphonies by Beethoven and Mendelssohn, and even before embarking on a three-year voyage around the world aboard a clipper, Rimsky knew he wanted to be a composer, not a seaman.

His time at sea wasn’t wasted, however, as it provided Rimsky  with inspiration for the works on this recording, where the Spanish Capriccio, Op. 34 and the exotic tales of the Sultana in Scheherazade, Op. 35 meet  the familiar sounds of the composer’s homeland in the Russian Easter Festival Overture, Op. 36.

Vasily Petrenko is one of the most significant figures on the classical music scene today, and he has won numerous accolades for his recordings of the Russian repertoire, including two Gramophone Awards. With Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra he has recorded works of Shostakovich, Szymanowski, Strauss and Prokofiev, as well as a large cycle of orchestral works of Alexander Scriabin.

Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra first saw the light of day in 1919, and over the next half-century the orchestra’s reputation grew steadily. In 1979 the conductor’s baton passed to Mariss Jansons, and under his leadership Oslo Philharmonic achieved its full potential and became a rival to the great philharmonic orchestras of Vienna, Berlin and New York.



“Petrenko’s tenure in Oslo may have lasted for only a third of his predecessor Mariss Janson’s 21 seasons with the orchestra, but his impact has been as potent. Here he conducts a Russian classic, Rimsky’s pictures of Arabian Nights derring-do and voyages across the sea, which swells through the orchestra’s rhapsodic ebb and flow. The concertmaster Båtnes is beguiling.” The Sunday Times

"As Vasily Petrenko bids farewell to the Oslo Philharmonic after seven years at the helm, it’s difficult to imagine a more apt parting gift than the present disc, which collects together Rimsky-Kosrakov’s three great Russian orchestral showpieces of 1887-88. [...]  And here the Oslo orchestra’s huge individual and collective strengths are matched by Petrenko’s excellent feel for musical and textual balance, in performances that showcase a depth of tone and understanding that has characterised this partnership in a series of splendid recordings. [...] For those who like their musical thrills tempered by a feeling of sonic and formal equilibrium, this splendidly recorded disc will certainly hit the spot: it’s altogether thoroughly recommendable, even against such plentiful and strong competition, an enduring tribute to a great musical partnership.", June 2020

"Oslo-Filharmonien er et fabelaktig orkester, og når de slipper sine virtuose evner fri kan de virkelig stelle i stand til musikalsk fest. I Nikolaj Rimskij-Korsakovs Capriccio Espagnol viser de frem enkeltmusikere, der særlig konsertmester Elise Båtnes får lov til skinne over sitt orkester. Hun flyr over alle strengene med de raskeste spiccato, i akkordisk og heseblesende uttrykk, og hakeslippet hos oss som lytter er dypt og tungt. I fjerde sats leker hun frem en pasjonert sigøynerinspirert melodi før hun avslutter på en høg flageolett og trer tilbake for andre solister. [...]" Magnus Andersson,, 04.06.2020

"With the prospect of exploring far-off lands and places firmly off the menu for most of the world this summer, the musical postcards and fantastical journeys which spring vividly to life on today’s Recording of the Week could be just what the doctor ordered for many of us: the Oslo Philharmonic and their outgoing (in both senses of the word) Chief Conductor Vasily Petrenko make for sparkling travelling-companions in three of Rimsky-Korsakov’s best-known works, Capriccio Espagnol, the Russian Easter Festival Overture and Scheherazade, on a recording which showcases the composer’s brilliance as an orchestrator to precision-engineered perfection. [...] The album serves as a colourful summary of everything which Petrenko and the orchestra have achieved together over the past seven years: immaculate ensemble, individual and collective virtuosity, and above all the gift for compelling musical story-telling which also made their series of Strauss tone-poems such a joy." Presto Classical, 12.06.2020

"[...] It takes rare talent to make the most familiar repertoire sound newly-minted, and this Oslo Rimsky-Korsakov anthology is a zinger. That these three works are so popular doesn’t mean that they’re not good. Yes, Rimsky-Korsakov was a master orchestrator and understood how to write idiomatically for every instrument, but his music doesn’t play itself. Petrenko’s Capriccio Espagnol is great fun. Especially when the fourth section’s fast bit gets underway, preceded by some delectable solo work. Petrenko’s rhythmic alertness is one of his strengths. [...]" Graham Rickson,, 13.06.2020

"An excellent recording. Sure you've heard these pieces before, but Petrenko really blows the cobwebs off!" Bill Dodd, Senior Reviewer, Native DSD

«[…] Det som slår meg når denne platen snurrer er den formidlerglede som oppleves selv gjennom en rekke høyttalere i stua. Det er nesten så man får den berømte "live-følelsen" i de 75 minuttene platen varer. Og her er det nok å glede seg over. Gruppenes samspill, det orkestrale driv, klangbehandlingen og ikke minst konsertmester Elise Båtnes sine fantastiske soloinnslag i «Scheherazade». Hun spiller med en enorm innlevelse, som virkelig smitter over til sofa-lytteren. «Capriccio Espagnol» er akkurat den festen vi forventer. Høy instrumentføring og sprellende klanger, godt regissert av en dirigent i storform. […] Dette er tre verk som er berømte, og Oslo-filharmonien gjør det de kan best. De formidler sitt fantastiske samspill og kjærligheten til musikken sammen med en særdeles dyktig maestro!» Trond Erikson, Den klassiske CD Bloggen, 24.06.2020

"[...]The other two Rimsky works were performed by the orchestra in concert just before these sessions took place in May 2019. The Capriccio espagnol is immaculate, if lacking some Mediterranean earthiness, although I loved the poise of the flautist in the ‘Scena e canto gitano’ (track 4, 1'22"), which made it sound like a forerunner of the Ballerina in Stravinsky’s Petrushka. That pearly flute also shines in the Russian Easter Festival Overture, where the recording’s big-boned sound produces plenty of power and permits all the percussion glitter required in the joyful finale." Mark Pullinger, Gramophone Magazine







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