Midt i pandemien spilte barokkensemblet Oslo Circles inn sin nye CD «Lamento» for LAWO Classics. Solisten – mezzosopran Marianne Beate Kielland – er gruppens mangeårige samarbeidspartner, og sammen presenterer de melankolsk og vakker italiensk barokkmusikk fra 1600-tallet. In the midst of the pandemic the baroque ensemble Oslo Circles recorded its new CD, “Lamento”, for LAWO Classics. The soloist — mezzo-soprano Marianne Beate Kielland — has performed with the group for many years, and together they present beautiful and melancholy Italian baroque music from the seventeenth century.

  • LWC1226 Katalognummer
  • 7090020182483 EAN
  • CD Format
  • Sofienberg kirke, Oslo Innspillingssted
  • 2022 Utgivelsesår

Midt i pandemien spilte barokkensemblet Oslo Circles inn sin nye CD «Lamento» for LAWO Classics. Solisten – mezzosopran Marianne Beate Kielland – er gruppens mangeårige samarbeidspartner, og sammen presenterer de melankolsk og vakker italiensk barokkmusikk fra 1600-tallet. In the midst of the pandemic the baroque ensemble Oslo Circles recorded its new CD, “Lamento”, for LAWO Classics. The soloist — mezzo-soprano Marianne Beate Kielland — has performed with the group for many years, and together they present beautiful and melancholy Italian baroque music from the seventeenth century.
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Oslo Circles | Kielland, Marianne Beate (mezzosopran)

Kirschner, Astrid (barokkfiolin) | Zanovello, Maria Ines (barokkfiolin) | Brinkmann, Mime (barokkcello, viola da gamba) | Nyhlin, Karl (teorbe, erkelutt) | Martello, Mariangiola (cemballo, orgel positiv)

Oslo Circles

Lawo Classics

Landaas, Vegard

Wolden, Thomas

Granberg, Anna-Julia | BLUNDERBUSS




Midt i pandemien spilte barokkensemblet Oslo Circles inn sin nye CD «Lamento» for LAWO Classics. Solisten – mezzosopran Marianne Beate Kielland – er gruppens mangeårige samarbeidspartner, og sammen presenterer de melankolsk og vakker italiensk barokkmusikk fra 1600-tallet.

Her får vi høre religiøse Maria-klager, skrevet av Giovanni Felice Sances, Benedetto Ferrari og Tarquino Merula, men også sanger om tapt kjærlighet, som Claudio Monteverdis berømte «Si dolce è’l tormento». Oslo Circles, under ledelse av barokkfiolinisten Astrid Kirschner, gir oss nydelig instrumentalmusikk av Salomone Rossi, Isabella Leonarda, Girolamo Frescobaldi, Marco Uccellini, Giovanni Girolamo Kapsperger og Giovanni Antonio Pandolfi Mealli.

Mezzosopran Marianne Beate Kielland er i dag etablert som en av Europas fremste sangere og har samarbeidet med dirigenter som Philippe Herreweghe, Masaaki Suzuki, Jordi Savall, Rinaldo Alessandrini, Andrew Manze og  ensembler som Freiburger Barockorchester, Collegium Vocale (Gent) og Oslo-Filharmonien. Hun har mer enn 50 plateutgivelser bak seg, og «Lamento» er hennes 15. utgivelse på LAWO Classics.

Barokkensemblet Oslo Circles ble grunnlagt i 2015 av barokkfiolinisten Astrid Kirschner, og med på laget har hun ledende musikere fra det skandinaviske og internasjonale barokkmiljøet: Maria Ines Zanovello (barokkfiolin), Mime Brinkmann (barokkcello), Karl Nyhlin (teorbe/erkelutt) og Mariangiola Martello (orgelpositiv/cembalo). Med nysgjerrighet og lidenskap blåser musikerne støv av de gamle partiturene og viser hvor moderne barokkmusikk kan være.  Oslo Circles har gjestet festivaler som Froville Festival (Frankrike), Spazio & Musica (Italia), Korkyra Baroque Festival (Kroatia), Oslo Kammermusikkfestival og Varaždin Baroque Nights (Kroatia), hvor de sammen med Marianne Beate Kielland i 2019 vant kritikerprisen for nettopp dette programmet.



In the midst of the pandemic the baroque ensemble Oslo Circles recorded its new CD, “Lamento”, for LAWO Classics. The soloist — mezzo-soprano Marianne Beate Kielland — has performed with the group for many years, and together they present beautiful and melancholy Italian baroque music from the seventeenth century.

Here we can listen to lamentations of Mary written by Giovanni Felice Sances, Benedetto Ferrari and Tarquino Merula, as well as songs of unrequited love, such as Claudio Monteverdi’s famous “Si dolce è’l tormento”. Oslo Circles, led by baroque violinist Astrid Kirschner, presents us with exquisite instrumental music of Salomone Rossi, Isabella Leonarda, Girolamo Frescobaldi, Marco Uccellini, Giovanni Girolamo Kapsperger and Giovanni Antonio Pandolfi Mealli.

Mezzo-soprano Marianne Beate Kielland has estab-lished herself as one of Europe’s leading singers. Among the conductors with whom she has performed are Philippe Herreweghe, Masaaki Suzuki, Jordi Savall, Rinaldo Alessandrini, and Andrew Manze, and she has appeared with ensembles such as the Freiburg Baroque Orchestra, Collegium Vocale (Ghent), and the Oslo Philharmonic. She has recorded more than 50 albums, with “Lamento” being her 15th release on the LAWO Classics label.

The baroque ensemble Oslo Circles was founded in Oslo in 2015 by baroque violinist Astrid Kirschner. It consists of established Scandinavian and international baroque musicians Maria ines Zanovello (baroque violin), Mime Brinkmann (baroque cello), Karl Nyhlin (theorbo, archlute), and Mariangiola Martello (positive organ, harpsichord). Oslo Circles has a passion for showing how modern baroque music can be. Festivals at which the ensemble has appeared include Froville Festival (France), Spazio & Musica (Italy), Korkyra Baroque Festival (Croatia), Oslo Chamber Music Festival, and Varaždin Baroque Nights (Croatia), where in 2019 they, together with Marianne Beate Kielland, won the Critic’s Prize for this very programme.



"[...] The program is organized astutely, providing musical pleasure and intellectual stimulation in equal shares. Oslo Circles is a group of musicians (five players here) who were formed in 2015 to explore Baroque music with several singers, using Ms. Kielland in this program. Their first CD, made with David Hansen, featured Purcell (not reviewed here). The sound, caught in an Oslo church, is vivid and natural, and Kielland is superb in each of her laments. In the Merula canzonetta, she is accompanied by the very slight support of a theorbo playing the repeated semitone A-B♭. This lullaby can be found in the Fanfare Archive at least nine times, including two by the incomparable Montserrat Figueras. The Sances Pianto can be found on several CDs listed in the Archive. The Monteverdi lament has been recorded innumerable times. The competition is irrelevant in the light of the programming that produced this disc. Highly recommended." J. F. Weber, fanfare magazine, Sept. / Oct. 2022


1)     Canzone quarta a 2 canti /// 03:02

        Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583–1643)

2)     Fiori musicali: Toccata per le levatione /// 03:08

        Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583–1643)

3)     Pianto della madonna (Stabat mater) /// 10:31

        Giovanni Felice Sances (ca. 1600–1679)

4)     Sonata a violino solo opera IV: La Vinciolina /// 07:01

        Giovanni Antonio Pandolfi Mealli (ca. 1620 –1669)

5)     Sinfonia grave a 5 /// 03:29

        Salamone Rossi (ca. 1570–1630)

6)     Si dolce è’l tormento, SV 332 /// 04:20

        Claudio Monteverdi (1567–1643)

7)     Sonata XII opera XVI (Intro) /// 02:11

        Isabella Leonarda (1620–1704)

8)     Canzonetta spirituale sopra alla nanna ‘Hor ch’è tempo di dormire’ /// 07:03

        Tarquinio Merula (1595–1665)

9)     Sonata XXVI sopra ‘La Prosperina’ opera IV /// 03:34

        Marco Uccellini (1603–1680)

10)   Libro quarto d’intavolatura di chitarrone (1640): Toccata IX /// 03:16

        Giovanni Girolamo Kapsberger (ca. 1580–1651)

        Cantata spirituale ‘Queste pungenti spine’

        Benedetto Ferrari (ca. 1603–1681)

11)   I. Prima parte /// 03:17

12)   II. Seconda parte /// 03:32

13)   III. Terza parte /// 03:10

14)   IV. Ultima parte /// 03:02

15)   L’argia: Alma mia /// 03:22

        Marc’ Antonio Cesti (1623–1669)


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Lamento <span>-</span> Oslo Circles / Kielland, Marianne Beate (mezzo-soprano) Lamento Oslo Circles / Kielland, Marianne Beate (mezzo-soprano)

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